well still workin on it........................................
i see tears all around
crying faces
reaching out to me
askin for help
tearing out their hearts
speaking out their woes
kid waiting
for his mother to return from heaven
take him into her arms
play wid him
he looks into my eyes
as if asking me
y i killed his mother
who'll take care of me
who'll play wid me
kiss me....take me in lap
he cant say it in words
his eyes speak his pain
his eyes aint frozen
y can't i tell him
have to walk on
roads covered by blood
fire around me
with every bullet shot by me
killin me inside
killin my innerself
don't even know whom i'm fighting wid
i see tears all around
crying faces
reaching out to me
askin for help
tearing out their hearts
speaking out their woes
kid waiting
for his mother to return from heaven
take him into her arms
play wid him
he looks into my eyes
as if asking me
y i killed his mother
who'll take care of me
who'll play wid me
kiss me....take me in lap
he cant say it in words
his eyes speak his pain
his eyes aint frozen
y can't i tell him
have to walk on
roads covered by blood
fire around me
with every bullet shot by me
killin me inside
killin my innerself
don't even know whom i'm fighting wid